• 01Details
  • 02Payment
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Contact information

Billing address

Coach: Natalie De Vincenzi Coaching, 285 Via Di Citta Dr., Henderson, NV 89011, USA, (310) 717-5850,

Client: The individual or entity who agrees to these Terms & Conditions by booking or purchasing coaching services.

Agreement Date: The date the Client agrees to these Terms & Conditions.
Term: Two (2) weeks from the Agreement Date

A. The Coach is in the business of providing personal development, mindset and business coaching services.
B. The Client agrees to appoint the Coach to perform the Services on the terms of this Agreement.
C. The Coach agrees to accept its appointment on the terms of this Agreement.
Operative provisions
A. The Coach must provide the Services in accordance with this Agreement.
B. The Client must pay the Coach the Fees in accordance with this Agreement.
1. Definitions and interpretation
1.1 Definitions
The following definitions apply in this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise.
Agreement means this Coaching Service Agreement between the Client and the Coach, as amended from time to time, and includes its schedules and any attachments.
Business Day means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday in the United States.
Client means the Client as defined in the Details Page of this Agreement.
Coach means the Coach as defined in the Details Page of this Agreement.
Commencement Date means the Commencement Date specified on the Details Page.
Completion Date means the Completion Date specified on the Details Page.
Confidential Information means information in any form disclosed by the Client to the Coach or of which the Coach has access that:
is by nature confidential or by the circumstances in which it is disclosed is confidential; or
is designated by the Client as confidential or identified in terms connoting its confidentiality; or
but does not include:
information which is or becomes public knowledge other than through a breach of this Agreement; or
information required to be disclosed by law.
Details Page means the Details Page towards the front of this Agreement.
Dispute means any disagreement, difference of opinion or issue between the Parties concerning or arising out of or in connection with or relating to this Agreement. A reference to a Dispute, where the Dispute is partly resolved, refers to the unresolved part of the Dispute.
Fees means the amounts to be paid by the Client to the Coach in respect of the Services.
Legislative Requirements means:
legislation, including delegated legislation and any policy enforceable under legislation; licenses, permits, approvals, determinations, certificates, exemptions and other lawful requirements from or of a government, government body, authority, administrative body, judicial body or statutory corporation.
Loss includes any cost, expense (including any legal and other professional charges and expenses), loss, damage or liability whether direct, indirect or consequential (including pure economic loss), present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent and any liability under an indemnity.
Party means a party to this Agreement. Parties has the corresponding meaning.
Services means the services to be performed by the Coach in accordance with the requirements in this Agreement.
Term means the term of this Agreement specified on the Details Page, commencing on the Commencement Date and expiring on the Completion Date and includes any extension of the Term under this Agreement or otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties.
1.2 Interpretation
In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise:
(a) the singular includes its plural and vice versa;
(b) words denoting any gender include all genders;
(c) where a word or phrase is defined, its other grammatical forms have a corresponding meaning;
(d) headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
(e) a reference to any Agreement (including this Agreement) or document is to the Agreement or document as amended, supplemented, novated or replaced from time to time;
(f) a reference to a clause, paragraph, schedule or annexure is to a clause, paragraph, schedule or annexure in or to this Agreement;
(g) a reference to this Agreement includes any schedules and annexures to this Agreement;
(h) a reference to writing includes any method of representing or reproducing words, figures, drawings or symbols in a visible or tangible form;
(i) a reference to dollars or $ is to US currency;
1.3 Business Days
Unless expressed to the contrary in this Agreement, if the day on or by which a Party must do something under this Agreement is not a Business Day, the Party must do it on or by the next Business Day.
2.1 Extension of Term
The Client and the Coach may agree to extend the Term on the same terms and conditions of this Agreement, by written agreement between the Parties. The written agreement must set out the duration of the extension of the Term.
Services provided by Coach
3.1 Overview
(a) The Coach must provide the Services to the Client via the Coach’s offered programs (Coaching Program).
(b) The Coaching Program is to consist of one membership, which entitles the Client to:
(i) one three (3) hour session (broken into two sets of ninety (90) minutes on the same day) with the Coach (Coaching Session);
(ii) private messaging support by the Coach for 2 additional weeks following Coaching Session; and
(iii) the provision of personalised goals based on the areas of business and personal development,
during the 2-week Term.
3.2 Coaching Sessions
(c) Unless agreed otherwise:
(i) The Client is entitled to one (1) Coaching Session for the Term;
(Ii) Each Coaching Session will be three (3) hours in length split into two ninety (90) minute intervals;
(iii) Coaching Session will be conducted electronically via the Zoom platform;
(iv) Coaching Session will take place during the Term at a date and time mutually agreed between the Parties.
(d) The Client is responsible for initiating the Coaching Session at the scheduled time. If the Client does not initiate the Coaching Session within fifteen (15) minutes of the agreed date and time, the Client agrees to forfeit the Coaching Session.
(e) The Client is not entitled to Coaching Sessions that are not scheduled and used within the Term unless the Coach and Client agree otherwise in writing.

3.3 Messaging Support
The Coach agrees to be available to provide messaging support during the Term. Messaging support is intended to be used for brief check-ins, clarifications and accountability support and is not intended to be used as a substitute for Coaching Sessions.
Messaging communications may take place via:
(f) Email;
(g) Instagram; or
(h) An alternative platform mutually agreed by both Parties.
The Coach agrees to use best endeavours to respond to Client messages within 48 hours.
3.4 Cancellation and rescheduling of Coaching Sessions by the Client
(i) The Client may cancel and reschedule a Coaching Session up to forty-eight 48 hours before the scheduled date and time.
(j) The Client is responsible for notifying the Coach of the need to cancel.
(k) The Client is not entitled to be refunded, or to reschedule, a Coaching Session that is cancelled within forty-eight (48) hours of the scheduled date and time.
3.5 Cancellation and rescheduling of Coaching Sessions by the Coach
(l) The Coach may cancel and reschedule a Coaching Session at any time.
(m) If the Coach cancels a Coaching Session under this clause 3.5:
(i) the Coach must use all reasonable efforts to notify the Client of the cancellation as soon as possible; and
(ii) the Coach agrees to reschedule the Coaching Session at a date and time mutually agreed between the Parties.
3.6 Continuity of Service
In the event the Coach is unable to:
(n) Provide the Services for a period of five (5) consecutive days; or
(o) Attend scheduled Coaching Sessions,
the Coach agrees to discuss alternative options for continuity of service with the Client, which may include:
(p) Offering for a suitably qualified substitute coach to perform the Coaching Sessions; or
(q) Extending the Term of the Agreement.
3.7 Recording of Coaching Sessions
(r) All Coaching Sessions are subject to automatic audio and video recording for the purposes of quality assurance and record-keeping (Recording).
(s) The Client may opt out of Recording by providing written notice to the Coach prior to the Coaching Session.
(t) If the Client opts out of Recording, the Coach must not record the audio or video of the Coaching Session to which the opt-out applies.

2. Payment
2.1 Fee
The Fee payable by the Client for the Services is a fixed fee of $697.
The Fee is:
(a) all inclusive;
(b) the total amount payable by the Client; and
(c) includes all taxes, duties, charges, levies and fees payable on or in respect of the Services.
2.2 Payment Terms
(a) The Client shall pay to the Coach the Fee applicable to the invoice within 7 days from the date of receipt of the invoice, unless a payment plan applies under clause 4.4.
(b) Payment of the Fee by the Client is required before the Term will commence.
(c) The Coach shall issue all receipts and invoices arising under this Agreement to the Client by:
(i) Email to the address provided; or
(ii) To an alternative platform mutually agreed between the Parties.
2.3 Payment method
Unless agreed otherwise, all payments from the Client are required to be made by either:
(a) Kajabi Payments;
(b) Stripe; or
(c) HoneyBook
3. Confidentiality
3.1 Maintaining confidentiality
Unless prior written consent is given by the Client, the Coach must:
(a) keep the Confidential Information confidential;
(b) not disclose or make the Confidential Information available directly or indirectly to any third party, except as provided for in this Agreement or as required by law; and
(c) not use or access the Confidential Information for any reason except as is necessary to perform the Services and this Agreement.
3.2 Use of Confidential Information
The Coach may use general information for professional purposes involving testimonials, case studies or marketing material, provided that:
(a) the information disclosed does not reveal the Client’s identity; and
(b) The information disclosed is not sensitive or misleading.
3.3 No publicity
Except as provided in clause 5.2, the Coach must not advertise, publish or release any information concerning this Agreement and Services to the public without the Client’s prior written consent.
4. Intellectual Property
(a) All materials and content created and used by the Coach in connection with the delivery of the Services are the intellectual property of the Coach (Coach’s Materials).
(b) The Client must not reproduce, reuse, copy or distribute the Coach’s Materials without prior written consent of the Coach for each instance.
5. Termination
5.1 Termination by the Coach for failure to pay
The Coach may terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written notice to the Client if:
(a) the Client has failed to pay to the Coach any part of the Fees that are due and payable;
(b) those Fees remain unpaid by the Client for more than 7 Business Days after the Client receives written notice from the Coach identifying:
(i) the part of the Fees due and payable; and
(ii) the due date for payment.
5.2 Termination by the Coach for convenience
(a) Despite anything else in this Agreement, the Coach may at any time at its absolute discretion terminate this Agreement by forty-eight (48) hours written notice to the Client.
(b) If this Agreement is terminated by the Coach pursuant to this clause 7.2, the Coach must:
(i) discontinue the Services immediately; and
(ii) if a Client has paid the full Fee pursuant to clause 4.2, refund to the Client an amount that is equal to the cost of the remainder of the Term post-termination; or
(ii) if a Client is on a payment plan pursuant to clause 4.4, waive the remaining amount of the Fee that would have been payable if this Agreement had not been terminated.
5.3 Termination by the Client
(a) The Client may at any time terminate this Agreement by forty-eight (48) hours written notice to the Coach.
(b) The Client will not be entitled to a refund of any Fee that has been paid, or is payable, pursuant to clause 5 if this Agreement is terminated by the Client pursuant to this clause 7.3.
(c) If the Client is on a payment plan pursuant to clause 4.4, all remaining payments for the Term are immediately due and payable.
6. Dispute resolution
6.1 Notice of Dispute
If a Dispute arises, either Party may deliver a written notice to the other Party which states that it is a notice of Dispute under this clause 8.1 and provides details of the Dispute, including:
(a) the facts that give rise to the Dispute;
(b) the legal basis for the Dispute; and
(c) if the Dispute relates to the payment of any money, how that payment is quantified.
6.2 Convening a Dispute meeting
(a) Within 5 Business Days of delivery of a notice of Dispute, the Parties must converse in good faith and use their best endeavours to resolve the Dispute.
6.3 Conditions precedent to litigation
(a) No Party may commence proceedings in court in relation to a Dispute unless a notice of Dispute has been delivered in relation to that Dispute and the Party has used its best endeavours to comply with clause 8.2.
7. General
7.1 Governing law and jurisdiction
(a) This Agreement is governed by and in accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada, United States.
(b) Each Party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of Nevada, United States in respect of any proceedings arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.
7.2 Limitation of Liability
The Coach shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including loss or business or prospective business, or any other commercial or economic loss.
7.3 Indemnity
The Client must indemnify the Coach against any liability, loss, damage, cost, compensation or expense sustained or incurred in respect of the Services provided by the Coach to the Client.
7.4 Invalidity and enforceability
(a) If any provision of this Agreement is invalid under the law of any jurisdiction, the provision is enforceable in that jurisdiction to the extent that it is not invalid, whether it is in severable terms or not.
(b) Clause 9.4(a) does not apply where enforcing the provision of this Agreement in accordance with clause 9.4(a) would materially affect the nature or effect of the Parties' obligations under this Agreement.
7.5 Waiver
No Party to this Agreement may rely on the words or conduct of any other Party as a waiver of any right unless the waiver is in writing and signed by the Party granting the waiver.
7.6 Variation
A variation of any term of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the Parties.

Executed as an agreement by the individual or entity who agrees to these Terms & Conditions by booking or purchasing coaching services.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xVIP Day$697

All prices in USD